Monday, January 28, 2019

VR180 to 3D SBS Converter

With the release of Lenovo Mirage Camera , 3D imagery has became more consumer friendly than ever before. Mirage Camera produces 3D images in a format called as "VR Jpeg -  pictures – (dual) equi-rectangular" which is a new format that is referred as VR180  released by Google.

VR180 provides a unique encoding of 3D image, where the left and right eye are merged as one image, which makes it possible to view the otherwise 3D image as a simple 2D image. However using software such as Daydream or Google photo's such VR180 photos can be viewed in true 3D.

Oculus Go is an other popular consumer friendly VR device released in 2018,  that most people use to consume VR and 3D content. By default, a VR180 picture being (more or less) proprietary to Google platform is not visible in Oculus Go. On the other hand most player's such as Pisagus VR
are fully capable of rendering standard 3D content which typically contain the image taken with left camera and right camera side-by-side.

This software "VR180 to 3D SBS" converter is an attempt to convert VR180 pictures to 3D SBS images. I got the idea from the original "BatchConverterVRtoSBS" written by Timo Fleisch. This version provides additional functionality to not only generate side-by-side images from VR180 images ( as Timo's version does ), but also facilitates splitting the VR180 images to left and right images, for individual editing and allows the individual left and right images to be merged to a single 3D Side-by-Side image.

What do this software do ?
  • Allows generation of a 3D Side-by-Side (SBS) file from VR180 picture/image file ( generated by Mirage Camera )

  • Allows extraction of left and right eye image files as separate image files from VR180 picture/image file ( for editing in your favorite imaging software like PaintShop Pro )

  • Allows generation of a 3D Side-by-Side (SBS) picture/image file from separate left and right eye image files 

How to get it ?
Thanks and credits to :


  1. Trying to generate side by side image file from separate left/right image files (generated by the program) but the program only allows loading the left image file from the storage folder and when I sneak a copy of the right file into the program it won't recognize it??! Very handy tool if this problem can be resolved. Thanks, Ron Krebs - Palm Desert, CA

  2. I tried to use it with an image from a Insta360 Evo, but i didn't work.


VR180 to 3D SBS Converter