Friday, December 15, 2017

Journey to AWS Certification - Developer Associate

After distributing my time, for the last few months between new father duties, my day job, my other projects, I successfully completed my journey to AWS Certification and achieved my AWS Certified Developer - Associate level certification with a score of 92%

The breakdown is:

Through the journey, I utilized resources from , Udemy, Whiz labs and finally the really comprehensive guide on AWS services published by Sybex called "AWS Certified Solution Architect Official Study Guide"

Of course nothing, can beat hands-on practice, and thankfully some of my side-projects provided me the opportunity to do just that by hosting a LAMP server on a EC2 machine, a domain on Route53 and finally a database hosted by RDS service, and triggering some Lambda based micro-services written in Python.

Also worth mentioning, is a study-aid that I created for myself, based on some research into memory-retention that I like to call the "1-2-4-7" system. The goal is to revise everything the 2nd day, the 4th day and the 7th day (at least), and optionally the 30th, 60th and 90th days.

For this purpose I created in Google Apps Script, a program called which allows me to specify a topic and subtopic/page number, and the first study date. On submission, this program will save that information into a Google spreadsheet, Set up Google calendar events to revise that topic on the 2nd , 4th, 7th, 30th, 60th and 90th days, and sends me a summary email and remainder emails on those days.

Here is what it looks like:

The main page for setting up a topic:

Spreadsheet entries:

The summary email:

The calendar events:

The internals & program of the 1-2-4-7 System will be blog posts for an other day, but laid out here to assist and encourage others to utilize a similar system in their educational efforts, and to demonstrate my approach to organize my own learning.

In some of my future posts, I intend to demonstrate how I created and utilized a "Password management program" that utilizes S3 (and AWS-S3 encryption), AWS SDK and Python, for those who are curious to get started on unleashing the power of AWS. And then maybe more, in future !

Without any further due, I present my new achievements below:

and for those curious, about what the certification looks like, here is the link to it: AWS CDA - Certification

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